Monday, November 19, 2012

Dream With In A Dream

            One of 2010’s most brilliant movies, released on July 16, Inception made a huge bang in the box office. The movie won 75 awards out of 102 nominations, 4 Oscars, and earned a gross total income of 292.6 million. The writer, Christopher Nolan has written other movies as well such as The Dark Night, The Dark Knight Rises, and Batman Begins. Yet, still Inception stands out on its own as a more suspenseful and mind boggling movie. Unlike the other superhero movies, Inception attacks the human subliminal mind. Main character Dom Cobb (Leonardo DiCaprio), a skilled extractor that steals valuable information he needs by getting into a person’s mind. Dom Cobb’s goal was to eradicate information from a human mind during the dream state, where the human conscious is lowered, and as a result secrets could be extracted. A twist comes into the story when Saito (Ken Watanabe), offers Dom Cobb a Job. A job offer that asks for inception, instead of stealing a secret he asks Cobb to plant one. Out of jealousy Saito strives to destroy his competitor’s corporation of an energy conglomerate. The owner of the opposing company is Robert Fischer (Cillian Murphy). In return, he offers to give Cobb his life back. Inception is almost entirely impossible task to accomplish but, Cobb still tackles it. This movie was by far one of the best movies in my opinion, and it is a must see because it redefines the word "epic".
           Special effects in this movie were surreal, edgy, and artistic. Objects were flying at me, almost as if the effects where in a third dimension, and yet I acquired no special lenses to sense that feeling. Like when fruits, tables, and windows exploded down a street sending everything everywhere, even through the screen. The effects revealed the unknowns in the human mind, the weird things that we may dream about have far more significance then we may think. That is interesting. A simple object like a train is to Dom Cobb. The editing of the movie I believe was fascinating, the movie cut down to the main points and editors tried to make it as understanding as possible. Both sound and picture bring this sort of suspense to the movie and an edgy drive that although you may know what is coming next, it still can make you feel anxious. Although it may bring you on this wonderful roller coaster ride, it can also be confusing. The sophistication of the movie can introduce a lot of information to digest. It is not one of those movies you watch once; you may need to watch it more than once to fully grasp the idea of the movie.
            For those who seek action, adventure, and mystery all in one, this is the movie for you. For those who do not, you may be converted into seeking such thrills after watching Inception. Although the length of this movie is almost two hours and half it is certainly worth the money and the time. Epic movies like Lord Of The Rings or Pirate of the Caribbean cannot even stand on the same pedestal as Inception. The creation of the this movie is far to articulate to be a competitor. This movie deserves a 9 out of 10.
. "Inception." imdb. Web. 19 Nov 2012. <>.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

No One likes Quiet Hours

         Today, on November 8th, on the West Side of campus of Bridgewater State University, students suffer under cold and rainy conditions and hard gusts of wind that torture them when they travel from class to class. The brutal weather causes for a mass of students to stay inside their dorms. Similar brutal conditions have been recorded on October 28 and the 29th. According to the Bridgewater State University home page, school has been cancelled due to harsh conditions. Hurricane Sandy was a hurricane that rose from the Caribbean up to the northeast portion of United States of America; a category 1 storm but, yet still it was recorded as one of the largest storms that the first thirteen colonies of America has ever seen. 
           Whether or not it is a nationwide emergency, a holiday, or a vacation, the Woodward Hall bulletin board states that quiet time hours end at 8pm on weekdays and 11 pm on the weekends, but some students seem to disagree. For example, Josh Bryant in room 11 says, "it is not fair that weekday quiet time hours still account even when school is cancelled, like on cancelled days quiet hours should extend to 11pm." To further alliterate, he tries to explain to us that, when classes are cancelled quiet hours should be slightly extended, possibly to the weekend hours.
       The Woodward Residential Assistant says, having quiet hours is a form of discipline and it is fairly simple. Weekdays are at 8pm, and weekends are at 11pm. The Bridgewater State University catalog says, " quiet hours have been established to ensure that students can sleep and study during evening hours." Bridgewater makes an effort to explain that noise can quickly become an issue and fairness amongst close nieghbors or roommates should be equally distributed.
       "Are people even doing there work on cancelled days," concluded Frander Baez. He pushes to explain that since classes are cancelled spontaneously, students should have already been prepared to go to class with all their work done in the first place. Should Bridgewater change there quiet hour regulations?

Monday, November 5, 2012

Did You Know This?

                Remember those family dinners around six in the afternoon, where as a child all you could seem to hear was your parents ranting about how much you need to eat more vegetables, especially carrots. I have heard things in my past such as carrots would make me grow bigger and stronger, carrots would help my vision, or I would have to eat carrots if I wanted to grow up to be bugs bunny. As the gullible children that we once were, we believed every story they told us. Although some sayings may seem a little far-fetched, some do in fact hold many truths. Have you ever heard the saying; "if you eat too many carrots, you will turn orange. Well, it is in fact true. Eating excessive amounts of carrots can indeed make us orange.
According to Wisegeek,"Carotenosis is a medical condition caused by an excessive consumption of carotenoids. When someone develops carotenosis, his or her skin turns yellowish to orange (Smith)." Carotenoid can be found in vegetables such as papaw, pumpkin, and of course carrots. Carotenoid is what gives the vegetable color and as you can see between papaw, pumpkin, and carrots that they are all orange. Scientists have done a lot of research and placebo affected psychological experiments to prove this point. It turned out that the only thing that affected common results were a subject's speed of metabalism, age, and visibility amongst fair- skinned people. Still, un-controlled affects always seem to always show.
                When eating excessive amounts of carrots, a reaction by the term of Hypercarotenemia happens. Hypercarotenemia is the same as carotenes is. It is an absolute harmless and spontaneous effect. The over bearing amounts of vitamin A can cause someone to nearly identical in shade as your vegetable. What gives a papaw, pumpkin, or carrot color will do the same for you. Although it can be a frightening thing to see but, it will happen.
Carrots do make your skin orange, if you indeed decide to eat too much of it. It is not just our parents bluffing but, realizes that this is in fact true. So make sure after you read this to send an apology letter to mom or dad for not believing them all these years. For those who are looking spontaneously orange, you do not need to rush to the hospital; you may just need to slow down on your consumption of carrots.

Smith, S.E.. "wisegeek." What is Carotenosis?. Conjecture Corporation, n.d. Web. 4 Nov 2012. <>
Scicurious, . "Friday Weird Science: Too Many Carrots." Scientific American. N.p., 26 2011. Web. 4 Nov 2012. <>.