Sunday, September 30, 2012

Considering My Audience

Our whole lives, we've been writing papers, after papers, and more papers. For once, have you ever taken the pleasures of your audience into consideration? Unfortunately, oppose to taking you, the reader into consideration, instead we focus on what our professor may be pleased with. Frustration is felt when I worry about what my professor is going to think, which forces myself to alter my own personal edge in my writing. Writing to the public audience has helped me establish a voice, simply just how I would speak to a human physically, I learned how to just put it down into a word document. Without the slang or possibly any profanity my new goal in college is to really apply my voice and personality onto any of my papers so that my audience will always be able to relate well.
It’s funny because remark how humans, including myself tend to sharpen up around certain people, and how someone will act nearly fake because of a certain environment. Well, I think the same goes for the way we write. We look for syllables to enrich our vocabulary, our sentence structure changes, and in total we simply sound artificial. It even comes off a little uptight. Almost how guys are when they meet their lover’s parents, especially the father’s. I am totally guilty of just not being me in the past when writing my papers. I am sure all of us can relate. Here’s a clue that I've learned, Write how you would as if you were writing a status on Facebook, Twitter, Formspring, or any other communication site.
Another, tool I use to communicate with my audience is to take caution of who my audience may be. Learning how to limit my beliefs, judgment, or philosophy were very hard. Taking into consideration that there are no identical human beings in the world has helped me to attack my essays in a non-bias manner. Being careful opens a much larger variety of audiences and basically it doesn't run people away. I like that only because it opens up a certain level of comfortability between the reader and I although we're complete strangers to one another.
All in all, Simply just me being myself, I can provide a distinct swagger that can attract a large variety of the public audience purpose. Writing an essay for a professor, writing a lab, or just writing on a social website all serve the same purpose. That purpose is to inform a particular audience upon a particular subject. I try to remember that my professor is not my audience, otherwise Ill just end up stressing over unnecessary things. Doing so, I think that I've finally found my voice. You can too, just open your heart onto the paper. Not literally.

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Me becoming Shakespeare, NOT!

My writing process may just be a little unorthodox. Sitting on a chair in a solemn room with no noise entering but the sound of nature. A cloud of thoughts wander above my head, it starts off with a little snack just so that my stomach does not override the sound of nature as I am deeply in thought. Then depending on the prompt I will proceed to do some research. Its sort of a smart thing to do because there are just so many things that can be unclear in a prompt. After my research is done, I'll think of a thesis that embodies what I plan on speaking about throughout the whole essay and boy, one of the hardest things for me to do is to obtain the same thesis throughout the whole essay. As soon as I come up with a thesis, I'll come up with a main topic  for each body paragraph. From there on out it's history. Those steps are my current writing process, over the years it has altered in ways that have only helped me. I try not to make much mistake, but its almost unavoidable, therefore; I try my best to progress not decline. My process  of me becoming a writer can be somewhat  abstract and it has differed greatly from what was then and what is now.
I've always had a few problems that I just cant seem to shake off. I know I am not the only one who does this here but, for some reason I always get distracted by something whether its Facebook, YouTube, or just my phone. In fact, before I wrote that previous sentence, I was on YouTube looking at funny clip's. People may think I have an Attention Defecit Disorder or something. Another issue I've had over the years are my organization skills. Taking the time to make an outline and highlight my main topic for every paragraph including my thesis was ver very hard. Making outlines simply help me prevent many other problems such as, staying on topic with my thesis. A lot of people like myself have these issue's.
In High school we were taught the usual MLA format. Five paragraphs containing an introduction, three body paragraphs, and a conclusion. Growing up in my younger days, focusing on each assignment with that specific structure took a toll on me. I was almost never interested in the MLA style of writing but, I hit an experimentation stage during Junior High. I started to write poetry. I don't know about you but, poetry to me is free, it embodies no specific structure or grammar, and thats why I like it so much. When writing poetry I really focus less on my mistakes. I feel as if student's make more mistakes on prompt essay's when we worry about our mistakes. When students focus on their mistakes our sentence fluency becomes so disfigured. Do you ever notice that? The upbringing from writing poetry to writing an actual essay can seem like it may not help with the structural base that it needs but, it actually does. It's helped me web my ideas to different branches and still be able to connect back to the main idea. Thos who write poetry know what I mean.
All in all, college is a huge pain because my whole life I was taught a certain way, and all of a sudden its expected that in one day that I shall alter and expand my writing style.  What was then and what is now with my writing vary drastically. My problems and habits continue to get better. But, most importantly as the demands become higher, so as my efficiency.My fustrations, experimentations, and will accomplishments have given me the drive to be where I am. In a college writing course, doing what I love. learning. My experimentation has allowed me to progress from what was then and what is now. Goodbye old me, hello future.

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Lady Haha

Deriving from the title, "Lavish worlds, and the headwear to match," the author,  Jon  Pareles explains that Lady Gaga's freakish costumes tend to fascinate our current elaborate world. It's proven in each photograph taken of Lady Gaga that she is a far cry from any other entertainer. This passage of a non- fiction music review that I will speak of throughout this blog is on one of America's most watched artists, Lady Gaga. It speaks about her in general and her performance on wednesday night at the "Radio City Music Hall". This one performance explicates the individuality of Lady Gaga.  So whether or not you love Lady Gaga as an artist I will explain how Jon Poral, the author of this passage got me to read the passage of Lady Gaga.
An interesting thing that the author does is brings a certain voice that intrigues readers. His voice is positive, happy, it's enthusiastic, informative, but at the same time has a non- bias approach to it. Her voice like her style are both dissonant. It is explained that Lady Gaga brings a certain flare or style to the music business that no other artist has ever done. Im not just giving my own opinion here, this review includes Known facts about Lady Gaga. At least the positive facts only.
Information that kind of cue me to knowing that this review is based on a performence. The connection that the paragraphs have seem almost as if the author is telling a story based on the same performance. The author starts speaking of lady gaga's opening act, the staging layers, and then finally near the end it says, " she ascended in an orb of rotating silver rings, like a disco angel (p.19)". Wow, now that's over the top.
The author spoke of the performance in a manner that set Lady gaga apart. By giving examples of her lavish outfits from her concerts, how her staging layers were differrent from any other, and complimenting her naturally strong voice are all ways that raised her status. An average reader may be anyone who loves music, specifically pop- music, to anyone looking to be informative about our celeberities lives. Who is this Lady Gaga person? Or what is she up to now? are different questions that different readers may ask. By speaking in a non- bias manner, the writer is able to take into consederation that not all people like or dislikes Lady Gaga. But, If someone is reading an article about Lady Gaga, Thay are either uninformed or just truly adore Lady Gaga.
In a review, first thing that clues a reader into the subject of an article, is the photo. The photo persuaded me to just give it a shot and at least read the first paragraph. I actually ended up reading the whole thing.  A photo is big in the sense that it can really speak to your mind.The photo is what will make a reader to stop flipping the page. The photo presented in the review explains everything that the writer was saying about Lady Gaga and more. The photo explains  her bizzare choice of outfits, in the photo she wears an outfit made of of raw meat.
The writer pays extra attention to the consideration of the audience that may give their undivided attention to read this music review. Jon Porales does a good job of making choices that reflect an understanding of who the readers are and why they are reading it. You may not need need any special knowledge, vocabulary, or background to understand this review. I read it, do you think that you can?

Sunday, September 9, 2012

My rare being unfolded

             I am Jeffrey Simplice, a college freshman writing his first blog ever. I am currently taking a Writing Rhetorically course at Bridgewater State University in order to enrich my writing. The true purpose of this class is to expand the style of my writing, so that I can be able to please various audiences with my writing. But, for this first blog getting to know me may just be the most appropriate thing to do.
              My name is Jeffrey but, you can just call me Jeff. It can be a little confusing to me though and I will tell you why. I have two brothers and two sisters. For those who are calculating in their heads, that's five children. The worst part of this whole situation is that I am the youngest. Well, that's what my dad says. Here comes the funny part where everyone seems to laugh, my older brother's names are Jeff and Jefferson. The consistent question I always get is, do you guys ever get confused in the house? The answer is, no. Who knows what my father was thinking. The only thing that separates me and my brothers are the fact that we have different mothers. We were all born to separate mothers and late in our lives we were introduced to each other. My father's effort to unite the family was a success and it paid off. 
                We all met where I was born in Hyde Park, Massachusetts, which is a neighborhood that lies in the southernmost region of Boston. It is mostly famous for its affordable abodes and the everlasting activities that it has to offer. At the age of ten, I moved out of Hyde Park to a town right outside the border of Boston named, Dedham. It was a big change, everything turned around from there on out. I was entering middle school a little over-weight and was in desperate need of finding a sport where I could actually fit in. I always loved basketball but, that was too much running for me. I loved to dance as well, but felt as if I was being judged because of it. But, you know what sport did suit me, football.
              The best days of my life were spent of the football field, playing pop warner football and varsity high school football. I recieved several hilarious nicknames such as Slim Fast, Simply-Nice, and my most current one, Big Daddy Simp. Please do not call me by these nicknames in public, it gets embarrassing sometimes. Although I admire the game of football, it wasn't the only activity I did that helped me be the man I am today. Like football, poetry was a way to channel my feelings in a positive manner. 
             I've had many great times in my young age but, every happy moment come with hard work. This is my story, the story of Jeffrey Simplice. The most humble, honest, and handsome man that you will ever meet. The only guy you will ever know who has his own personal three H's.