Sunday, September 23, 2012

Me becoming Shakespeare, NOT!

My writing process may just be a little unorthodox. Sitting on a chair in a solemn room with no noise entering but the sound of nature. A cloud of thoughts wander above my head, it starts off with a little snack just so that my stomach does not override the sound of nature as I am deeply in thought. Then depending on the prompt I will proceed to do some research. Its sort of a smart thing to do because there are just so many things that can be unclear in a prompt. After my research is done, I'll think of a thesis that embodies what I plan on speaking about throughout the whole essay and boy, one of the hardest things for me to do is to obtain the same thesis throughout the whole essay. As soon as I come up with a thesis, I'll come up with a main topic  for each body paragraph. From there on out it's history. Those steps are my current writing process, over the years it has altered in ways that have only helped me. I try not to make much mistake, but its almost unavoidable, therefore; I try my best to progress not decline. My process  of me becoming a writer can be somewhat  abstract and it has differed greatly from what was then and what is now.
I've always had a few problems that I just cant seem to shake off. I know I am not the only one who does this here but, for some reason I always get distracted by something whether its Facebook, YouTube, or just my phone. In fact, before I wrote that previous sentence, I was on YouTube looking at funny clip's. People may think I have an Attention Defecit Disorder or something. Another issue I've had over the years are my organization skills. Taking the time to make an outline and highlight my main topic for every paragraph including my thesis was ver very hard. Making outlines simply help me prevent many other problems such as, staying on topic with my thesis. A lot of people like myself have these issue's.
In High school we were taught the usual MLA format. Five paragraphs containing an introduction, three body paragraphs, and a conclusion. Growing up in my younger days, focusing on each assignment with that specific structure took a toll on me. I was almost never interested in the MLA style of writing but, I hit an experimentation stage during Junior High. I started to write poetry. I don't know about you but, poetry to me is free, it embodies no specific structure or grammar, and thats why I like it so much. When writing poetry I really focus less on my mistakes. I feel as if student's make more mistakes on prompt essay's when we worry about our mistakes. When students focus on their mistakes our sentence fluency becomes so disfigured. Do you ever notice that? The upbringing from writing poetry to writing an actual essay can seem like it may not help with the structural base that it needs but, it actually does. It's helped me web my ideas to different branches and still be able to connect back to the main idea. Thos who write poetry know what I mean.
All in all, college is a huge pain because my whole life I was taught a certain way, and all of a sudden its expected that in one day that I shall alter and expand my writing style.  What was then and what is now with my writing vary drastically. My problems and habits continue to get better. But, most importantly as the demands become higher, so as my efficiency.My fustrations, experimentations, and will accomplishments have given me the drive to be where I am. In a college writing course, doing what I love. learning. My experimentation has allowed me to progress from what was then and what is now. Goodbye old me, hello future.

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