Sunday, September 30, 2012

Considering My Audience

Our whole lives, we've been writing papers, after papers, and more papers. For once, have you ever taken the pleasures of your audience into consideration? Unfortunately, oppose to taking you, the reader into consideration, instead we focus on what our professor may be pleased with. Frustration is felt when I worry about what my professor is going to think, which forces myself to alter my own personal edge in my writing. Writing to the public audience has helped me establish a voice, simply just how I would speak to a human physically, I learned how to just put it down into a word document. Without the slang or possibly any profanity my new goal in college is to really apply my voice and personality onto any of my papers so that my audience will always be able to relate well.
It’s funny because remark how humans, including myself tend to sharpen up around certain people, and how someone will act nearly fake because of a certain environment. Well, I think the same goes for the way we write. We look for syllables to enrich our vocabulary, our sentence structure changes, and in total we simply sound artificial. It even comes off a little uptight. Almost how guys are when they meet their lover’s parents, especially the father’s. I am totally guilty of just not being me in the past when writing my papers. I am sure all of us can relate. Here’s a clue that I've learned, Write how you would as if you were writing a status on Facebook, Twitter, Formspring, or any other communication site.
Another, tool I use to communicate with my audience is to take caution of who my audience may be. Learning how to limit my beliefs, judgment, or philosophy were very hard. Taking into consideration that there are no identical human beings in the world has helped me to attack my essays in a non-bias manner. Being careful opens a much larger variety of audiences and basically it doesn't run people away. I like that only because it opens up a certain level of comfortability between the reader and I although we're complete strangers to one another.
All in all, Simply just me being myself, I can provide a distinct swagger that can attract a large variety of the public audience purpose. Writing an essay for a professor, writing a lab, or just writing on a social website all serve the same purpose. That purpose is to inform a particular audience upon a particular subject. I try to remember that my professor is not my audience, otherwise Ill just end up stressing over unnecessary things. Doing so, I think that I've finally found my voice. You can too, just open your heart onto the paper. Not literally.

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