Monday, December 10, 2012

A Blow To The Head

                New National Football League's (NFL) rules aim to limit the number of head injuries amongst professional players. Applying more fines and penalties to head collisions on game day will increase a level of player safety. Issues arise as former NFL players file lawsuits on the league based due long term brain effects. It is said to be the biggest lawsuit in sport history, and targeting the National Football League can take away the way the game is played and viewed from pop warner to the professional league. According to ABCNews, “More than 2,000 former NFL players filed a lawsuit. These men are accusing the league of concealing head trauma information, linking football- related injuries to long-term brain damage." Some fans may disagree that these changes will take away the very nature of the game, the excitement, and the violence. The destructive potential effects can cause major issues to the brain, therefore, I believe that the safety of professional football players should be top priority.
                Multiple bows to the head, documented, and or un-documented concussions are leading to horrific long term effects to football athletes in America. Long term affects from concussions can include loss of memory, behavioral issues, depression, headaches, and etc.  Many former professional players have even died, one in particular, former Patriots’ linebacker Junior Seau. He was found dead in his own home to what was apparent to be a suicide. ABC News reporters say that Seau’s death may be related to head trauma during his active days in the league.
                Jim McMahon said in an interview about his fellow teammates and friends, “breaks your heart, a guy that you have known for years and years and he cannot recognize you, does not have any idea who you are or anyone else, that is just tough to deal with." The head trauma from these hits can and will cause a defect to the brain if the league does not take action. From personal experience, a collision to another player head on is equivalent to a car accident. It truly hurts and impairs one’s health. Most importantly, deriving from Jim McMahons’ statement, brain injuries affect the ones we love the most.
                Former NFL players are dying and memories are vanished. These brain injuries are irreversible so, why not make the safety amongst the players be top priority? The numbers of concussions across the nation are brought to our awareness more and more. New helmets are being built, new penalties, and fines are enforced. Football is a sport but, none the least it is also an entertainment business and without fans there will be no revenue for the league. Controversy arises as the thought comes to mind to please both sides. How do you make the game safer, while keeping the reason why people watch the game, still alive? But, players are dying more and more, just two reported in the last two weeks so, when do we say it is enough?
AVILA, JIM. "Former NFL Players File Lawsuit Against League on Concussions." abc News. abc News, 7 2012. Web. 9 Dec 2012. <
abc news, , prod. Former NFL Players File Lawsuit Against League on Concussions. 2012. Film. 9 Dec 2012.

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