Monday, December 3, 2012

Going Green

           Do you feel as if things in the United States are just not the same as they once were? Well with the inflation of prices, it makes the American dream that much more difficult to achieve. Some prices that are set in the economy, just do not fit the average american hourly rate. The once adored lifestyles can no longer be fulfilled, and consolations are forced upon American families. The high average price increase of fuels and electricity in the United sates from 1990 to 2010 has caused Americans to become more stubborn about their spending habits for transportation.
            According to the United States census from 1990 to 2010, unleaded regular gas has increased from $1.16  to $2.79 per gallon. That is an average increase of a $ 1.63 per gallon. That is almost a two dollar increase per gallon. Also, unleaded premium has increased from $ 1.35 to $3.05 on average per gallon. Which is a $1.70 per gallon average difference over the course of twenty years. Now it comes to mind, how will the Americans react to this increase in price?
The increase in fuel has caused Americans to turn to more economically feasible ideas. Ideas like riding a bike. According to the bike league, survey results show that the estimated number of bicycle's sold from the U.S. bicycle market from 1997 to 2007 has increased from a total of 15.2 million bikes sold to 18.5 million. A 3.3 million total difference over the course of ten years. American people are using less machines that utilize fuel, and instead Americans are being more reliable to their own manual labor. A bike costs less, and on top of that, it uses no gas.
             Hybrid- electric cars do indeed run on regular gas, but not as much as conventional cars. These machines are much more fuel-efficient than regular cars. According to the U.S. Energy Information Administration, " the average mileage for a hybrid is at 38.7 miles per gallon(Roos, U.S Energy Administration)." Hybrid vehicles require far less  gas to cover the same distance as any conventional vehicle. The effect of the minimal gas used, causes for the less greenhouse gases emitted off into our atmosphere. In the U.S census the sales of hybrid- electric vehicles has increased noticeably. A sample from Americas two leading models, Toyota Prius and the Honda Civic shows a drastic difference from the year 1999 to 2011. From those two models, sales rose from absolutely nothing to almost 2.15 million.
              Each day Americans are finding new ways to save the planet, at the same time it save us all a few change in our pockets. Each cent counts nowadays, and each day new ideas are being created in order to make Americans less stubborn about their spending's for transportation. Riding a bike to nearby destination or even buying a hybrid- electric vehicle are all routes we can pursue to not spend our money on valuable costs that shift with the economy. Thomas Huxley once said," Economy does not lie in sparing money, but in spending it wisely. "

United States. US Department of Commerce. Prices: Fuel Prices. 2012. Web. <>.

. "Facts & Figures." League of American Bicyclists. League of American Wheelmen, Inc., n.d. Web. 3 Dec 2012. <

Roos, Dave. "Does hybrid car production waste offset hybrid benefits?." science.howstuffworks. A Discovery Company. Web. 3 Dec 2012. <>.

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